CAL 8000
CAL 7000MC-80
1. Improve workflow
A tube of blood
Go live at once
One stop blood routine, CRP, and saccharification testing
Achieve a balance of "quality efficiency cost" - automatically screen "gray area specimens", manually assist in reviewing and deciding whether to retest, reduce the total retest rate, save retest dust costs, and achieve precise retesting of "gray area specimens". Reduce the testing cost of the department while improving work efficiency. Achieving a balance between "quality", "efficiency", and "cost"
The first high-speed fully automatic CRP analysis module specifically designed for blood analysis pipeline
Fast speed, 100 samples/hour, multiple machines can be connected to further improve analysis speed
Extractive reagent replacement, radio frequency technology can quickly read latex reagent information without opening the machine casing, cleaning the pipeline, and no replacement consumption, making it easy to use and replace
Automatically call the results of the blood cell analyzer on the assembly line and correct the impact of cell (RBC, WBC, PLT) volume proportion (BCV, Mindray patents) on the whole blood CRP results
Sampling detection: Real time monitoring of abnormal sampling to avoid low results caused by sampling problems
Fully automatic glycated hemoglobin analyzer
Related products
HPLC, 50 samples/hour
Reagent RFID intelligent management to avoid reagent replacement errors
Real time management and display of reagents and consumables
Replacing reagents without interrupting experimental operations
No need to frequently replace the chromatography column and filter screen
Automatic quality control upon startup, intelligent judgment of quality control results
3. Diagnostic process for CAL 8000 labXpert
4. Accurate re examination of "gray area specimens"
Screening out "gray area specimens" through the dual effects of "re examination rules" and "review rules"
Manual review of "gray area specimens" to avoid relying solely on "re examination rules" to determine whether the specimens will be re examined
The issue of high or low retest rate
Obtain retest instructions online for "gray area specimens", automatically go online for retesting, improving work efficiency
The procedural rule entry method is more in line with the human thinking process. And it supports the use of historical data for rule debugging, facilitating the comparison of statistical changes before and after rule modification.
5. Flexible utilization of laboratory space
Changing the constraints of the linear layout of the equipment, we create a brand new laboratory layout for you. Depending on the workflow and sample flow direction, you can also choose to place the unloading module on the same or different sides. The instrument can be placed with an internal U or internal U-shaped layout facing the staff, or an external U or external U-shaped layout facing away from the staff, fully utilizing space while further improving work efficiency.
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CAL 7000MC-80